The Rural Conservative

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Time to Speak the Truth

Ludlow Castle with the town in the background, surrounded by rolling hills. But what is the future for our green and pleasant land?

By Robert J Davies
RCM Leader

It was while contemplating writing this article that I replied to one of the RCM’s regular critics on Twitter, with a response which perfectly summed up the essence of our “Speak The Truth” campaign that we’re launching today. 

I was asked to justify my claim that the Left need to lie and distort more than the Right, with the implied assertion that all of us involved in politics are willing to resort to this in equal measure. It’s a beguiling idea that we’re all as bad as each other but it’s not the case, as I explained in my reply: 

“. . . the Left need to lie and distort a whole lot more than do the Right. And at the heart of that is our changing society. In order to ‘love’ it, we must tell lies. To loathe it, we need only tell the truth.” 

Yet all too often, we don’t tell the truth, for numerous reasons, hence the need for this campaign. The truth hurts – all the more so when it points to difficult solutions which most democratically-elected politicians shy away from. Modern society – certainly in Britain – is becoming an increasingly unpleasant place and to row back becomes harder by the day. In order to avoid doing so, we lie and pretend that this is how we like it. It’s the equivalent of printing money to get us out of a financial crisis. A short-term easy option, with horrendous long-term consequences. 

The strain of trying to keep up the lies and the double-speak is putting intolerable pressure on us all and causing growing tension and instability. The root cause is Diversity and the increasingly shrill requirement to champion it, as if it were some sort of blessing. This is usually yoked, of course, with its ideological bedfellow Equality and the two together amount essentially to a policy of appeasement with which we hope to somehow muddle through. Yet over time, Equality and Diversity have attracted those with a more cynical agenda. The Marxists of yesteryear never died with Communism. They simply shape-shifted into a different form and with different goals. Their dream of destroying traditional society and rebooting Britain to factory settings in order to re-create it from scratch according to their own agenda has been given fresh impetus by uncontrolled mass immigration. And Marxist tentacles have been allowed to spread through society like mycorrhizal fungi, feeding on the innate decency and tolerance of the British people. 

The latest Census figures show that Britain is moving ever further down the road towards White Minority Status, gladdening the hearts of the Left and making the status of the host community in this country ever more precarious. The Rural Conservative Movement finds the current demographic trends deeply worrying. We look to the future with immense foreboding. We fear that a deeply unpleasant, dysfunctional, dystopian society is in the making which will destroy the birthright of future generations.

This isn’t about “blaming immigrants” who come here for a better life and one should not blame them for that. But the sheer numbers which arrive and the cynical way that the Left use them as pawns to further their agenda of dismantling traditional society raises profound questions about the wisdom of letting the influx continue unchecked. It is all the more worrying that it is happening with barely any serious debate in the mainstream media. We find that unacceptable.  

The demographic transformation of our society and its potential to serve as a catalyst for a radical and aggressive left-wing agenda merits sustained public debate. We must ask ourselves if this what we want to happen to our country? And if not, what can be done about it? 

Over the coming days and weeks, the RCM will publish further articles as part of our #SpeakTheTruth campaign. We hope to involve many others in this process. A problem shared is a problem halved, as they say, so let’s talk, and above all, let’s do so truthfully. 

  • How you can take part: check for updates on our Twitter page @RuralConserv (use the link in the header or footer of this page) and feel free to interact with us. Comment via Twitter or in the Comments box on the bottom of this page. You don’t have to agree with us - please feel free to exercise your right to free speech. Comments will only be moderated and/or deleted if they are abusive: say what you like but do so courteously. Anyone wishing to submit an article to be considered for publication, get in touch.

    Helpful hashtags: #SpeakTheTruth #RCM #DebateRCM