Taking the knee - to our mortal enemies

The football stadium of Millwall FC: The Den

The football stadium of Millwall FC: The Den

By Robert J Davies

I SAID to my wife a while ago, when we watched TV footage of footballers dutifully “taking the knee” before a game held in an empty stadium, that they wouldn’t risk doing any such thing if there was an actual crowd of fans looking on. For they would be sure to boo. Yesterday, however, players at the Millwall v Derby match did indeed “take the knee” in front of spectators. Well, you know the rest. The stadium echoed to the sound of booing, even though there was only a fraction of the normal crowd present.

The great and the good will seize on this as an opportunity to signal their virtue and moral superiority over the Neanderthal knuckle-dragging low life who booed. Of course they will. Let’s waste no more time on them. Instead let us heap praise on those who were brave enough to protest, despite knowing that, such is the society we now live in, footage of them doing so might well be analysed and their identities traced, with punitive action to follow.

The cry will go out from on high that they were being Racist and indeed, Sky News presenters this morning were already declaring the matter “shocking”. Yet if we still lived in a normal country (and we don’t), the opposite would surely be true. Why would anyone bow and scrape to a left-wing political organisation like Black Lives Matter which, among things, wishes to “defund the police”? These are nihilists, Marxists and statue topplers. And the toppling of statues is but a metaphor for their wider goal - that of toppling what they see as the oppressive, exploitative white patriarchy. Should they succeed, then Western civilisation itself will fall. What madness is it that anyone in their right minds would crumple up on the floor in honour of that? And even if luvvies and over-paid footballers can be prevailed upon to behave like lemmings, why should eminently sensible, down-to-earth British football fans be expected to follow suit?

2020 has been a tough year - not just because of the coronavirus, but because of the growing strength of leftist identity politics which seems to have drawn in a lot of angry Remainers who, having failed to prevent Britain from regaining its independence, now have the very foundations of Western society in their sights. But when the boos rang out around The Den stadium yesterday my spirits rose somewhat. It is courageous acts of this kind that give cause to hope that in time, common sense will eventually prevail and today’s Marxist race-baiters will join the Soviet Union in the rubbish bin of history.


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